(+66) 02 255 2354 info@teleservice.co.th

Scale your network performance and reliability with industry-leading network services, integrated service modules, powerful wireless solution and validated design guides. Nasma’s portfolio of network infrastructure solutions is complete End-to-End solution for router, switches and mobility solutions.

  1.  Routing:  Tele Service with his world class partners, like Cisco, Nokia, Juniper delivers excelent routing platforms of GSR and ASR routers.

  2.  Switching: Tele Service's portfolio of network switching start from basic access layer switch to multilayer core switching and high performance datacenter switches.

  3.  Mobility Solution: Tele Service's  mobility solutions help businesses move beyond bring-your-own-device (BYOD) access to establish a true enterprise mobility strategy. The performance of wired network and mobility of wireless solution are combine to get high performing, easy to use network. The products are supported by high skilled CCIE staff and team of certified network professionals.